Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Main Building)
Lunes a viernes de 7:00am-6:00pm (Edif. Atención Primaria)
Saturdays from 8:00 am-12:00pm (Primary Care Building)
Saturdays from 8:00 am-12:00pm (Main Building)
Breve Descripción:
El Laboratorio Clínico y Banco de Sangre está certificado bajo la Norma ISO 9001:2015 siendo el primer Laboratorio Clínico y Banco de Sangre en certificarse en República Dominicana bajo esta versión de la norma.
El Laboratorio Clínico y Banco de Sangre cuentan con un equipo de profesionales capacitados, en proceso de constante actualización, que constituye la base para garantizar la excelencia en el servicio.
El Laboratorio Clínico trabaja con el Sistema Informático de laboratorio Probeta, facilitando una veraz y completa automatización de la información recibida en todas sus áreas, sentando un alto precedente en los estándares del procesamiento de datos y de la información como soporte al trabajo de los bioanalistas, así como también a la toma de decisiones por sus administradores.
El Banco de Sangre trabaja con el Sistema Informático AbanSa, diseñado para hacer más fácil y segura la gestión del Banco de Sangre, registrando el manejo de las donaciones, entrada y salida de inventario, receptores, hemocomponentes y toda la información necesaria para mejorar el control de los Centros dedicados a la Medicina Transfusional.
The Clinical Laboratory and Blood Bank of the Plaza de la Salud began offering its services since 1997; processing clinical analysis of samples of human biological fluids, in the areas of:
Adicional al procesamiento de muestras, el Laboratorio ofrece el servicio de referencia de muestras a Laboratorios Internacionales, con el objetivo de satisfacer los requisitos de diagnóstico que necesitan nuestros usuarios.
En el Banco de Sangre se ofrecen los servicios de colecta a través de donación tradicional y por aféresis:
Resultados web:
El laboratorio Clínico ofrece a sus usuarios la posibilidad de visualizar y descargar sus resultados desde la página web por medio de un dispositivo electrónico; esto facilita al usuario poder obtener sus resultados sin la necesidad de movilizarse hacia nuestras instalaciones.
Horarios de servicios:
Edif. Principal: lunes a viernes de 07:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m., y sábados de 7:00 a.m. a 12:00 p. m.
Edif. Atención Primaria: lunes a viernes de 07:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m., y sábados de 7:00 a.m. a 12:00 p. m.
blood bank
Despacho de Hemocomponentes (unidades de sangre): 24 hours
Atención a Donantes: lunes a viernes 08:00 a.m. a 08:00 p.m. y sábados, domingos y feriados 08:00 a.m. a 05:00 p.m.
Edificio Principal:
Punto de Toma de Muestras:
809-565-7477 opción 4 y luego opción 1.
The Clinical Laboratory and Blood Bank of the Plaza de la Salud began offering its services since 1997; processing clinical analysis of samples of human biological fluids, in the areas of:
The Clinical Laboratory works with the Computer System Probeta, conjugating all the needs of the laboratory, facilitating a true and complete automation of the information in all its areas, setting a high precedent in the standards of data processing and information as support to work of bioanalysts, as well as decision-making by their administrators.
In addition, the Blood Bank uses ABanSa as a computer tool, designed to make it easier and safer to manage the Blood Bank, recording the handling of donations, entry and exit of inventory, receivers, blood components and all the necessary information to improve the control of the Centers dedicated to Transfusion Medicine.
The purpose of the Clinical Laboratory is to offer results that support the doctor in the prevention, diagnosis and timely treatment of diseases. In order to adequately respond to this purpose, it is necessary that all phases of assistance are carried out taking into account the existence of various variables specific to each patient that have a significant influence on the final quality of the Outcome.
These variables are traditionally known as preanalytic conditions, some as age, gender, race and pregnancy, can not be modified, so the doctor must know them to properly interpret the results; However, there are other variables that can be modified with the correct preparation of the patient and are the first steps to obtain valid results.
Prior to carrying out the tests in an ideal way, the patient must contact the clinical laboratory, where they will receive additional and detailed information about the necessary preconditions to perform the sample collection.
Usually, a minimum fasting period is recommended for routine blood sampling that varies according to the test, for example:
8 hours fast
12 hour fast
During the fast it is only allowed to drink water (not coffee, tea, juices or diet drinks).
It is important to avoid blood sampling after long periods of fasting (above 16 hours) and in the case of tests that do not require fasting, it is recommended to wait at least 2 hours after food intake.
For taking urine and feces samples, it is recommended to use clean or sterile vials (in case of culture), plastic, wide mouth and screw cap to avoid spills. It is very important to avoid contamination of stool urine samples or vice versa. If the sample is taken outside the laboratory, it should be sent as soon as possible at room temperature within the 2 hours after the take.
In general, the day before conducting laboratory tests should avoid:
Other causes that may cause variations in the results of laboratory tests are certain diagnostic procedures such as the administration of contrasts for imaging tests, performing rectal examination and some therapeutic procedures, such as hemodialysis and blood transfusion.
To access the service of our laboratory is not necessary to make a prior appointment, you can submit from Monday to Friday, from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the main building from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the Primary Care Sample Taking Unit and Saturdays from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in both. Remember that you must present the medical indication, identity card or identity document and your medical insurance card if you are affiliated with any.
Finally, keep a good communication with laboratory personnel, request clear instructions and if necessary written, to help ensure the quality of your results.
We are the Laboratory of Clinical Analysis and Blood Bank of the General Hospital of the Plaza de la Salud (HGPS) that offers a world-class service, supported with the use of cutting-edge technology and the delivery of reliable, timely, useful results to diagnosis of patients and managed confidentially.
Contamos con un personal competente, que realiza un trabajo en equipo con pasión, comprometidos con el cumplimiento de estándares internacionales, las buenas prácticas éticas y profesionales, el cumplimiento de los requisitos legales y reglamentarios, así como las necesidades y expectativas de las partes interesadas.
Nuestro objetivo principal es la satisfacción constante de las necesidades de los pacientes y la comunidad que servimos, mediante la mejora continua de los procesos y el cumplimiento del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad, la prevención de no conformidades, y la protección del medio ambiente.
Lic. Gilda Tolari Jacobo
Gerente del Laboratorio Clínico y Banco de Sangre
Serial L001001A